
Marine environmental impact for antifouling coatings from a coastal nuclear power plant

  • 摘要: 某滨海核电厂位于珠江出海口,采用涂装防污涂料的方案防止海生物在取水构筑物中的附着。本文采用国际标准化组织推荐预测模式以及保守污染物扩散参数分析预测了工程运行后排水口以及工程周边海域Cu2+浓度,结果表明2台压水堆核电机组运行工况下Cu2+浓度为9.3 μg/L,经海水稀释后Cu2+浓度大于8.2 μg/L(对应于0.5相对浓度等值线)全潮平均包络面积为3.98 km2。工程运行后Cu2+析出不影响本海区水质达标。最后文章从海工工程方案选择、涂料选择以及运行期跟踪监测三个方面提出建议,以便完善核电厂取水工程防污涂料环境影响评价,减少工程环境影响。


    Abstract: A coastal nuclear power plant located at the estuary of the Pearl River.Anti-fouling coatings is used to prevent adhesion of foulings on the surface of water intake structures.Based on the prediction model recommended by ISO for Cu2+ release rate and the conservative diffusion parameters from numeric model, this paper predicts the Cu2+ concentration in the sea water during the operation of the plant.The result shows that the average envelope area for Cu2+ concentration great than 8.2 μg/L during fortnightly is 3.98 km2.The result meets the requirement of national regulation.Proposals on improving environmental impact assessment of the anti-fouling coatings and mitigating environmental impact are put forward on the aspect of the selection of marine engineering project and anti-fouling coatings, routine environmental monitoring.


