
Comparative studies on the spatial niche of zooplankton in the Liaohe estuary in spring and summer

  • 摘要: 春、夏季开展了辽河口周边海域浮游动物优势种的空间生态位研究,运用Levins公式和Petrailis指数测定了优势种的生态位宽度和生态位重叠程度,通过典范对应分析(CCA)研究了浮游动物生态位分化与环境因子的关系。结果表明,辽河口浮游动物优势种(类)季节演替明显,从春季到夏季优势种(类)的更替率为77.8%;优势种(类)的生态位宽度Bi变化范围为0.08~0.71,可分为广生态位(Bi>0.60)、中生态位(Bi=0.30~0.60)和窄生态位(Bi < 0.30)三大类型。广生态位的代表种有小拟哲水蚤和太平洋纺锤水蚤等,中生态位的代表种包括双毛纺锤水蚤和强额拟哲水蚤等,窄生态位的代表种有火腿伪镖水蚤和拟长腹剑水蚤等;生态位宽度相近的优势种(类),其生态位重叠指数较高。CCA分析的结果表明,春、夏季影响浮游动物分布的主要因子均为盐度和DO。


    Abstract: We examined the seasonal spatial niche of zooplankton in the Liaohe estuary in August (summer) 2013 and May (spring) 2014.The niche breadth and niche overlap index of the dominant species were calculated using the Levins formula and the Petrailis index, respectively.The results showed that the niche breadth of the dominant species (class) ranged between 0.08 and 0.71.The niche breadth was further divided into broad niche (Bi>0.60), middle niche (Bi=0.30~0.60), and narrow niche (Bi < 0.30).We found that the species with broad niche were Paracalanus parvus, Acartia pacifica etc., those with middle niche consisted of A.bifilosa, P.crassirostris etc., and the species with narrow niche included Schmackeria poplesia, Oithona similis etc..The results of the CCA analysis showed that salinity and DO were the main environmental factors affecting the spatial distribution of zooplankton in spring and summer.


