
Variation trends of nitrogen and phosphorus and the relationship with HABs in Shenzhen coastal waters

  • 摘要: 本文阐述了深圳近岸海域(大鹏湾北部和东部沿岸、大亚湾西部沿岸、深圳湾西北部沿岸及珠江口东南部沿岸)四个海区氮磷营养盐近30 a变化趋势,统计了各海区历年赤潮发生次数和累计总面积,并对氮磷营养盐含量和赤潮发生次数、累计总面积进行了相关性分析。结果表明,深圳近岸海域氮磷营养盐污染状况为东优西劣的趋势,东部海域水体均未达到富营养化水平,而西部海域水体均表现出一定程度的富营养化(部分年份为磷限制潜在性富营养);赤潮发生次数以大鹏湾最高,深圳湾次之,累计总面积以深圳湾最大,珠江口次之;相关性分析结果表明,DIN、PO4-P与四个海区赤潮发生次数、累计总面积均无显著相关性,而NH4-N、NO3-N分别与大鹏湾和珠江口海域赤潮暴发次数、累计总面积呈显著相关性。


    Abstract: The trends of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus in Shenzhen coastal waters during the past 30 years, as well as the frequency and areas of HABs were analysed, the correlationship between nutrients and HABs was also investigated.The results show that the nutrient level of the eastern waters was lower than that of the western, the eastern waters has not reached up eutrophication level, the western waters has been eutrophic or P-limiting potential eutrophication level in most of the years.There was the highest occurrence frequency of HABs in Dapeng bay and Shenzhen bay, the largest areas of HABs located in Shenzhen bay and Zhujiang estuary.Correlation analysis showed that dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus were no significant correlation with frequency and areas of HABs, but NH4-N (Dapeng bay) and NO3-N (Zhujiang estuary) were significant with frequency and areas of HABs.


