
Influence of chemical dispersant on interactions between marine spilled oil and suspended particles

  • 摘要: 海洋溢油事故频繁发生,向溢油上施加分散剂是常用的应急处理方法之一。溢油会和海洋中的悬浮颗粒物SPM(suspended particle material)相互作用形成油-悬浮物的聚集体OSAs(oil-SPM aggregations),还可以与海洋中的颗粒物、浮游生物、细菌、生物碎屑等构成海洋油雪MOS(marine oil snow)。施加分散剂会影响这两种聚集体的生成,继而影响到溢油的迁移和归宿。本文介绍了化学分散剂的使用原则和现状,在介绍OSAs和MOS的形成机理的基础上,分析了施加分散剂对溢油与颗粒物之间相互作用的影响,并对OSAs和MOS的环境归宿进行了探讨。


    Abstract: Marine oil spill frequently occurred and the application of chemical dispersants is one of the common emergency methods to treat spilled oil.Marine spilled oil and SPM(suspended particle material) can interact with each other and form OSAs (oil-SPM aggregations), and they can also interact with particle material, phytoplankton, bacteria and bioclastic to form MOS(marine oil snow).Application of dispersants will influence the formation of these two aggregates, and affect the transport and fate of spilled oil.The applying rules of dispersant and the present situation of the dispersant application on spilled oil are introduced in the paper.After analyzing the formation mechanism of OSAs and MOS, the influence of dispersant application on the interactions between marine spilled oil and suspended particles were analyzed, and the environmental fate of OSAs and MOS were discussed.


