
Environmental quality assessment of macrozoobenthos in Binzhou shallow sea waters

  • 摘要: 2012年春季、夏季和秋季分别对滨州浅海大型底栖动物进行了18个站位3个航次的外业调查研究,结果表明:已鉴定出大型底栖动物81种,其中软体动物27种、多毛类20种、甲壳动物18种、棘皮动物1种和其他类5种;春季(78种)最高,夏季(47种)次之,秋季(39种)最低;软体动物、多毛类和甲壳动物是构成该海域底栖动物的主要类群。大型底栖动物多样性指数为0.17~3.69,平均值为1.73±0.22;丰富度指数为0.59~3.05,平均值为1.75±0.24;均匀度指数为0.04~1.00,平均值为0.46±0.10;优势度指数为1.03~10.76,平均值为3.29±0.91。多样性指数、均匀度指数和优势度指数均为夏季最高,秋季次之,春季最低;而丰富度指数则为春季最高,夏季次之,秋季最低。栖息密度和生物量平均值均相对较高,分别为3836.83 ind./m2和48.65 g/m2;均以春季最高,秋季次之,夏季较低;不同季节均以软体动物占绝对优势,为最高,其次为甲壳动物和多毛类,其他类和棘皮动物相对较低。滨州浅海环境质量总体以轻度污染为主,与我国主要河口水域相比,属于环境质量较好的区域。


    Abstract: According to the results of macrozoobenthos in binzhou shallow sea waters, with 3times survey 18 stancebeing made in 2012 spring, summer and autumn, a total of 81 macrozoobenthos species were recorded, including 27 species Mollusc, 20 species annelid polychaete, 18 species Crustacea, 1 species Echinoderm and 5 species others.It was highest in spring (78 species), then in summer (47 species), and lowest in the autumn (39 species).Mollusc, annelid polychaete and Crustacea were the main groups in this marine benthic animals.The macrozoobenthos diversity index was 0.17~3.69, with a mean of 1.73±0.22;Richness index was 0.59~3.05, with a mean of 1.75±0.24; Evenness index was 0.04~1.00, with a mean of 0.46±0.10; Dominance index was 1.03~10.76, with a mean of 3.29±0.91; Diversity index, evenness index and dominance index were the highest in summer, then in autumn, and lowest in thespring, while the richness index washighest in spring, then in summer, and lowest in the autumn.The average of inhabit density and biomass were relatively high, which was 3836.83 ind./m2 and 48.65 g/m2, respectively.Both of them were highest inspring, then in autumn, and lowest in the summer.Molluscs was in dominant in different season, and was the highest, followed by crustaceans and polychaetes, other classes and echinoderms was relatively low.The environmental quality of binzhou shallow sea waters was slightly polluted and it was better than most of estuarine waters in our country, belonging to the good regional environmental quality.


