
Data changes of main water quality parameters of monitoring buoys during brown tide blooms in Qinhuangdao between 2013 and 2014

  • 摘要: 2013年6月底至7月初、2014年5月中旬至6月初,水质自动监测浮标记录了秦皇岛两次褐潮(由抑食金球藻引发)的发生过程。对两次褐潮发生期间相关监测参数的数据变化情况进行了分析。褐潮发生期间Chl a浓度最高达到50μg/L以上,波动较大;两次褐潮期间,Chl a波动过程中,其最高值多次出现在夜间。褐潮期间水温大部分时间在25℃以下,且2013年褐潮消亡前经历了水温从22℃急剧升高至28℃的过程。


    Abstract: Brown tide blooms caused by Aureococcus anophagefferens were monitored by buoys in Qinhuangdao coastal area in 2013 and 2014.The Changes of water quality parameters during the blooms were analyzed.The concentration of Chlorophyll-a reached as high as 50 μg/L and fluctuated in a large range.The peak values of Chlorophyll-a were often obtained at night.Water temperature was below 25℃ during most time of the blooms.And water temperature increased sharply from 22℃ to 28℃ before the bloom decayed in 2013.


