Allelochemical released by phytoplankton and the recent progress in marine ecosystem
摘要: 他感物质是浮游植物产生他感作用时向环境释放的化学物质,是浮游植物产生他感作用的媒介,尽管浮游植物他感作用的研究日益广泛,但以往的研究大都集中在他感现象的描述上,而对于他感物质的结构以及性质等的认识仍然存在很多未知。本文结合最新的研究成果,对他感现象和他感物质进行了综述,就目前微藻中主要发现的他感物质如酯类、酚酸类和萜类等,探讨了他感物质的特点、作用机理和影响因素,并重点介绍了他感物质的提取分离与鉴定等方面的研究进展,同时分析了当前海洋微藻中他感物质研究的不足,提出了新的研究思路,今后的研究重点是建立系统的分离鉴定海洋微藻释放的他感物质的方法,最终实现现场海域他感物质的分析。Abstract: Allelochemical, which is produced and released by some allelopathic species, is the media that constrains or promotes the coexisting species.Phytoplankton allelopathy has been paid more and more attention, and more detailed studies about the phenomenon of the allelopathy were observed and described, however the property and structure about most allolochemicals still remain unknown.In this overview, the defination, classification, action mechanism of allelochemicals were summarized which based on several kinds of allelochemicals that have been found at present.The allelochemicals found mainly included esters, phenolic acids and terpenoids.Moreover, the research progress about extraction, separation and identification of allelochemicals were introduced emphasisly, the insufficient and some new ideas were also pointed out.Establishing systematic method to obtain allelochemicals and achieving to analyze them in marine areas will be the final objective.