
Analysis of suspended sediment concentration remote sensing models in winter and spring in the Pearl River estuary

  • 摘要: 利用珠江口2014年2月和2014年5月的高光谱遥感反射率和实测悬浮泥沙质量浓度数据进行了两波段悬浮泥沙遥感反演模式的研究。通过分析和对比发现,冬季2月悬浮泥沙质量浓度和光谱遥感反射率相关性较低(R2=0.422),春季5月二者相关性较好R2=0.693。由于5月为珠江口丰水期,径流量增大,携带泥沙能力增强,存在因上升流引起的泥沙再悬浮现象。另外,丰水期存在咸淡水锋面和锋区附近的盐度梯度也导致悬浮泥沙质量浓度增大。悬浮泥沙质量浓度高,对光敏感,建立模式好。而2月珠江口为冬季枯水期,珠江口伶仃洋海域悬浮泥沙主要来自径流,径流量小,含沙量少,模式较5月差。


    Abstract: Hyperspectral remote sensing reflectance data and suspended sediment concentration (SSC) data of the Pearl River on February and May 2014 was used in the paper to establish two band remote sensing retrieve models. By comparing of February remote sensing retrieve model with May2014remote sensing model, we found the SSC and spectral reflection existed low correlation(R2=0.422) in winter but had a strong correlation in spring(R2=0.716). May is a wet season of the Pearl River that the runoff increase and bring more sediments into river. At the same time fresh water increase and create upwellings so that caused sediment resuspending. Otherwise there exists brackish water front and salinity gradient near it. They also could lead to SSC increase. SSC is sensitive to light that high SSC value could run model well. On the contrary, February is a dry season of the Pearl River, the major SSC comes from runoff. The reduction of runoff leads to low SSC, which has bad effects on model.


