Preliminary study on ship-borne significant wave height measurement using GNSS-R signals
摘要: 本文阐述了基于干涉复数场(ICF)相关时间方法的GNSS-R测量有效波高的技术原理,利用大连海事大学教学实习船育鲲轮平台和Oceanpal接收机,进行了国内首次船载GNSS-R有效波高测量实验。通过与船上安装的WAVEX雷达波浪仪数据进行对比,二者之间的一致性验证了船载观测平台的可行性,为深入广泛开展GNSS-R海洋动力环境监测提供了依据。Abstract: The article introduces the basic principle of the significant wave height measurement using GNSS-R signals based on the autocorrelation time method of the Interferometric Complex Field(ICF). Making use of Oceanpal GNSS-R receiver on teaching-training vessel of Dalian Maritime University, the first ship-borne measurement experiment of china has been done. By analyzing the datas collected from Oceanpal receiver and Miros wave extractor installed on the ship, consistency between the two datas proves the feasibility of ship-borne measuring platform and provides basis for the further study on ocean dynamical environment observing using GNSS-R signals.