Study on scope and function adjustment of Changli Golden Beach National Ocean Natural Preserve
摘要: 为缓解昌黎黄金海岸国家级自然保护区与北戴河新区开发建设的矛盾,实现自然保护与区域经济协调发展,本文以近12 a来昌黎保护区内生境和生物多样性变动状况,以及主要保护对象文昌鱼种群的变动和分布特征为调整依据;以适度扩大文昌鱼栖息地保护范围,逐渐恢复文昌鱼种群及其栖息环境,加强生物多样性保护,维持海洋生态系统健康为调整目标;以实事求是、依法执行和利于管理兼顾开发为调整原则,开展了保护区海洋环境与资源调查及海域范围调整论证研究工作。调整后的海域保护区总面积为224 km2,比调整前增加了7%。其中,海域核心区面积为95 km2,较调整前扩大了36%;海域缓冲区面积为129 km2,相比调整前减少了7%。保护区海上范围调整后,将进一步提升保护区管理效能,有助于区内生态系统和保护对象的保护与恢复。Abstract: In order to alleviate the contradiction of development and protection between Natural Preserve and Beidaihe New Are,achieving coordinated development of regional economies,Changes in habitat and biodiversity were studied during 1999~2011,and Changes in population and distribution of Amphioxus which was the main object of protection were studied as the basis for Scope and function adjustment.Moderately expanding the scope of Amphioxus habitat,gradually recovering its population and habitat,enhancing biodiversity conservation,maintaining the health of marine ecosystems were as the target of adjustment.With a pragmatic,law enforcement and facilitating management as the principle of adjustment,Carried out marine environment and resources survey and adjustment demonstration research.Adjusted water area is 224 km2,compared to the previous adjustment increased by 7%.The core zone is 95 km2,compared with adjusted pre- expanded 36%; waters buffer zone is 129 km2,compared to the previous adjustment reduced by 7%.The managmentability will be strengthened by the scope adjustment,also it can contribute to protecting ecosystems and protected object.