Effects on mutation of CyⅡa and SP-Runt gene in sea urchins of dispersed oil
摘要: 选择海洋模式生物马粪海胆(Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus)为受试生物,在分子遗传水平上研究了120号船用燃料油经消油剂处理前后对海胆基因突变的诱导效应。在污染暴露时间分别设定为7、14、21 d,油水配比浓度分别设定为0.28、0.56、1.13、2.25和4.5 g/L的实验条件下,采用单链构象多态性技术(SSCP),检测CyⅡa和SP-runt基因的突变情况,并对突变位点进行测序。结果表明:消油剂处理前后CyⅡa基因均未出现基因突变;消油剂处理前SP-Runt基因未出现突变,而消油剂处理后突变与暴露天数和浓度呈正相关,该基因编码区的第986位上胸腺嘧啶(T)突变成胞嘧啶(C),导致缬氨酸转变成丙氨酸。实验证明使用消油剂分散120号船用燃料油产生的复合毒性效应使海胆SP-Runt基因突变几率增加,原因可能是消油剂将120号燃料油分散为水中细小油滴增加了生物接触石油烃的概率,而且具有亲脂性的消油剂对石油烃,特别是有毒多环芳烃(PAHs)具有显著增溶作用,增加了有毒污染物的生物利用率。Abstract: This study selected the sea urchin(Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus) as testing organism and investigated the inductive effects on urchins gene mutation of 120# fuel oil dispersed by dispersant. The experiments employed single strand conformation polymorphism(SSCP) to examine mutation in CyⅡa and SP-Runt gene. DNA sequencing was used to detect mutational site. The urchins were exposed to either seawater, oil or dispersed oil for 7, 14, or 21d. The results showed that no mutation was found in CyⅡa gene in oil and dispersed oil and substantial dose and time dependent changes were observed between the mutation in SP-Runt gene and the contaminant in dispersed oil. 120# fuel oil dispersed by dispersants exaggerated the probability of mutation in SP-Runt gene. The reasons included two parts: (i) the dispersants engendered fine oil droplets thus increasing the probability of contact between organisms and oil; (ii) the dispersants had solubilizing effects on petroleum hydrocarbon, especially PAHs, increasing the bioavailability of contaminant.