琼枝麒麟菜对富营养化海水氮磷的去除及对水体中Chl a含量的影响

Purification of Eucheuma gelatinae on nitrogen and phosphorus and effect on the level of chlorophyll a in eutrophic seawater

  • 摘要: 研究了琼枝麒麟菜对富营养化海水氮磷的吸收及其对Chl a的影响。结果表明,养殖琼枝麒麟菜能有效去除富营养化海水中的可溶性无机氮 (DIN)和PO4-P。对DIN的清除,72 h就达到很好的效果,直至几乎耗尽;琼枝麒麟菜优先利用NH4-N,而后是NO3-N和 NO2-N。琼枝麒麟菜对水体中PO4-P的清除效果24 h就十分明显,养殖密度在6 kg/m3以上时PO4-P浓度不会出现回升。养殖琼枝麒麟菜能控制海水中Chl a含量,144 h水体中的Chl a含量达到最低值,养殖密度在4 kg/m3 以上时Chl a 水平不会出现回升。 因此,琼枝麒麟菜是热带海域最理想的净化水质、控制赤潮的经济大型海藻之一。


    Abstract: The ability of Eucheuma gelatinae purifies nitrogen and phosphorus and the control of microalgae biomass in eutrophic seawater was studied. The results showed that DIN and PO4-P can be eliminated efficiently by E.gelatinae in eutrophic seawater. The elimination effect of DIN and PO4-P was obvious after 72 h and 24 h respectively. Compare with the uptake of nitrate nitrogen and nitrite nitrogen, E.gelatinae preferentially absorbs ammonia nitrogen. The content of chlorophyll a in seawater can be control by E.gelatinae. The level of chlorophyll a achieved to the lowest value after 144 h and didn't rise back when the density of E.gelatinae was up 4 kg/m3. Therefore, E.gelatinae is one of the most ideal macroalgae in tropical sea to seawater purification and red tide control.


