
Characteristics of the sea surface temperature strong front in the Northern South China Sea

  • 摘要: 本文利用2003年—2017年卫星遥感海表温度数据,研究我国南海北部主要海表温度锋特征。结果表明:南海北部海表温度锋常年存在,锋面特征存在明显的月变化,锋面范围和强度从1月开始逐渐减小,11月达到谷点,12月再次升高;南海北部温度锋具有琼东-粤西温度锋、粤东温度锋和台湾浅滩温度锋三个强锋面和粤西陆架陆坡温度锋和东沙群岛南陆坡温度锋两个次强锋面,1月,自西向东,三个强锋面的最大强度分别为0.036℃/km,0.038℃/km和0.068℃/km,两个次强锋面的温度锋出现概率均大于75%,至11月份,除三个强锋面仍然存在外,其它海域温度锋消失。粤西陆架陆坡温度锋从1月—4月由陆架逐渐过渡到陆坡和深海,东沙群岛南陆坡温度锋出现在5月。


    Abstract: The paper analyzed sea surface temperature (SST) front in the South China Sea (SCS) based on satellite remote sensing monthly SST data from 2003 to 2017.The results show that SST fronts exist in the whole year.The region and strength of fronts reach peak in January, and then decrease until November, enhance again in December.There are three strong fronts (Qiongdong-Yuexi front, Qiongdong front, and Taiwan Bank front) and semi-strong fronts (Yuexi continental-slop front, and Southern Nansha Isalnds front) in the northern SCS.In January, the maximum strength of the three strong fronts are 0.036 ℃/km, 0.038 ℃/km and 0.068 ℃/km, and the generate probability of the two semi-strong fronts are larger than 75%.In November, all fronts disappeared except the three strong fronts.The Yuexi continental-slop front moves from continental shelf to slop and deep sea from January to April.The Southern Nansha Isalnds front locates in the south of Dongsha Islands in May.


