
Zooplankton diversity and its relationships with environmental factors in the Liaohe estuary

  • 摘要: 于2013年8月(夏)、10月(秋)和2014年5月(春)在辽河口海域开展浮游动物多样性监测,研究了浮游动物种类组成和数量分布的时空变化特征,探讨了浮游动物多样性与河口盐度变化、富营养化等的关系。结果表明:辽河口海域浮游动物种类的季节更替明显,从夏季到秋季更替率为40.91%;从秋季到春季更替率为35.29%;夏季第一优势种为小拟哲水蚤(Paracalanus parvus),春、秋季为双毛纺锤水蚤(Acartia bifilosa)。夏季浮游动物种(类)数明显高于春、秋季,由夏季阶段性浮游动物类群数增加所致,而桡足类的种类数季节间差异很小。春季浮游动物数量显著高于夏、秋季,其数量高达(6.4±1.3)×104 ind./m3,秋季数量最低为(5.5±0.6)×103 ind./m3。夏季多样性指数和均匀度指数高于春、秋季。浮游动物多样性的平面分布与盐度呈显著正相关,与无机氮和磷酸盐浓度显著负相关。河口指示性种类火腿伪镖水蚤(Pseudodiaptomus poplesia)的数量的平面分布与盐度呈显著负相关,与无机氮、磷酸盐浓度显著正相关。本研究能够为我国河口海域的生态监测和管理等提供参考依据。


    Abstract: The spatial and seasonal distribution of zooplankton were examined in the Liaohe estuary in August (summer) 2013, October (autumn) 2013, and May (spring) 2014.The zooplankton species showed an obvious seasonal variation pattern, with the alternation rate of 40.91% from summer to autumn and 35.29% from autumn to spring.The most dominant species of zooplankton was Paracalanus parvus in summer, while it was Acartia bifilosa in spring and autumn.The total species number of zooplankton was significantly higher in summer than in spring and autumn although the species number of the copepoda varied little between 13 and 14 in different seasons.The increased group number of merozooplankton which accounted for 47.62% of the total species number of zooplankton explained the highest species number in summer.The individual number of zooplankton was highest in spring(6.4±1.3)×104 ind./m3 and lowest in autumn(5.5±0.6)×103ind./m3.Both the Shannon-Weaver index and Pielou index was higher in summer than in spring and summer.The Sperman analysis showed that there was a significant positive relationship between the spatial distribution of zooplankton diversity and salinity, but a significant negative relationship between zooplankton diversity and DIN and DIP.A significant negative relationship was found between the abundance of the indicator species Pseudodiaptomus poplesia and salinity, but a significant positive relationship between its abundance and DIN and DIP.This study is of significance for the ecological monitoring and government in Chinese estuaries.


