
Net-phytoplankton community and its relationship with environmental factors in the Wanshan islands adjacent sea

  • 摘要: 根据2014年5月万山群岛海域生态环境调查数据,利用聚类分析和冗余分析等方法分析了网采浮游植物群落分布特征,探讨了珠江口盐度锋面生境对浮游植物群落的影响。结果表明:共发现网采浮游植物93种,硅藻门种类占73.1%。在冲淡水和外海水汇聚形成盐度锋面的混合区,水温、化学耗氧量、溶解氧、pH、叶绿素a和N:P均高,网采浮游植物丰度也最高,平均丰度为5.96×108/m3,数值达到其他两个区域平均丰度的4000倍以上,小个体硅藻中肋骨条藻丰度比例大于90.2%。在低盐区硅藻门丰度仍占80.6%,大个体硅藻门种类如锤状中鼓藻、巨圆筛藻、哈德半盘藻和美丽漂流藻等丰度呈上升趋势。在高盐区甲藻门丰度增至40.7%,形成硅藻门和甲藻门丰度联合占优势的群落结构,大个体甲藻门种类如短角角藻、纺锤角藻、大角角藻和夜光藻等丰度呈上升趋势。由于盐度变化大,网采浮游植物种类多样,且以广盐种种类和丰度占优势。万山群岛海域的水体营养特征使小型硅藻中肋骨条藻优势特别突出,而种类多样并且单一种类占主导优势的网采浮游植物群落特征,支撑了海域的高初级生产力。


    Abstract: The abundance and spatial variation of net-phytoplankton were studied in Wanshan islands adjacent sea, based on field survey in May 2014.We analyzed the environmental factors, species composition and cell density of net-phytoplankton (mesh size 77 μm), aimed to understand the impact of water exchange on community structure.A total of 93 species of phytoplankton were identified.Bacillariophyta was the dominant functional group, represented the highest number of species, accounting for 73.1% of total abundance.There were significant effects between net-phytoplankton community structure and environmental factors such as water temperature, salinity, chemical oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen, pH, chlorophyll a and N:P. In the mixed area, Pearl river plume and oceanic water converged to form salinity fronts, the number of euryhaline species, offshore species and oceanic species were higher than other areas.Net-phytoplankton abundance was represented by euryhaline species in the mixed area, dominated by small particle size species of Bacillariophyta and the dominant species was Skeletonema costatum, with more than 90.2% of total abundance.Mean net-phytoplankton abundance was 5.96×108/m3 in the mixed area, about 4000 times higher than other areas.Bacillariophyta was still the most abundant group in the low salt area, accounting up to 80.6% total abundance, but the proportion of big particle size species of Bacillariophyta such as Bellerochea malleus, Coscinodiscus gigas, Hemidiscus hardmannianus and Planktoniella formosa increased obviously.Moreover, the proportion of big particle size species of Pyrrophyta such as Ceratium breve, C.fusus, C.macroceros and Noctiluca scintillans increased in the high salt area, and Pyrrophyta further increased to 40.7%, where Bacillariophyta and Pyrrophyta became the dominant group together.The superiority of Skeletonema costatum is particularly prominent, together high phytoplankton abundance, support high primary production in Wanshan islands adjacent sea.


