
Legal analysis of restrictions on transfer of marine secondary market

  • 摘要: 财产自由流转是现代民法的重要原则,海域使用权自由转让是构建海域使用权流转法律制度应遵循的基本原则。不动产物权流转应受到一定的限制,然而《海域使用权管理规定》对海域使用权转让所设置的限制条件,尽管在防止海域使用权投机和加强海域使用监管上发挥了积极的作用,但是有悖于物权的完整性和可转让的原则,影响了海域使用权二级市场流转的效率,制约了二级市场功能的发挥。因此,应对该规定进行修改,取消不合理限制条件,允许经营性用海使用权自由转让,使之与物权法理论相协调,从而促进海域资源优化配置,提高海域资源利用效率,推动海洋经济向质量效益型转变。


    Abstract: Free circulation of property is an important principle of modern civil law whereas free transfer of sea area utilization rights is essential for sea area utilization rights transfer system construction.Despite its positive role in avoiding sea area utilization speculation and enforcing sea area utilization monitoring, the constraints on sea area utilization rights transfer by The Regulation of Sea Area Utilization Rights violate the principles of property rights integrity and transferability.As a result, The Regulation of Sea Areas Utilization Rights is not efficient in the secondary market of sea area utilization rights transfer and adversely affects secondary market functions.Therefore, the Regulation should be modified and unreasonable constraints should be canceled so that operative sea area utilization rights can be transferred freely.This is consistent with property rights theory and has much implication for promoting the optimal allocation of marine resources and increasing the utilization efficiency of marine resources.


