
Eco-environment quality assessment of macrobenthic community in the East Ningde sea waters

  • 摘要: 2016年3月和11月对宁德东部海域30个站位进行大型底栖动物调查,本次调查共采集大型底栖动物99种(春季75种,秋季51种),其中多毛类44种,甲壳动物22种,软体动物16种,其他类群17种。本文首次将AMBIM-AMBI法引入宁德东部海域进行底栖生境质量评价,并将评价结果与Shannon-Weaver多样性指数(H')的评价结果相互比较,讨论其在宁德东部海域生境质量评价中的适用性。结果表明宁德东部海域大部分区域受轻度干扰,且春季底栖生态环境质量优于秋季。与H'的评价结果相比,AMBI的评价结果等级较高;M-AMBI的评价结果等级梯度更明显且与H'更一致。因此,在底栖生物以敏感种为主的宁德东部海域,用M-AMBIH'来评价其生态环境质量状况更为合理。


    Abstract: Macrobenthos was investigated at 30 stations in the east Ningde sea waters in both March and November, 2016.A total of 99 species (75 species in March; 51 species in November) were found, including 44 species of Polychaetes, 22 species of Crustacea, 16 species of Mollusca, and 17species of other taxa.In this paper, the AZTI marine biotic index (AMBI) and the multivariate-AMBI (M-AMBI), were first applied to assess the eco-environmental quality of the east Ningde sea waters, and the assessment results were compared with those by the Shannon-Weaver Indexes (H'), aimed to test the applicability of these indices to the east Ningde sea waters.The result showed that most stations were slightly disturbed, especially in autumn.Compared with the results from AMBI, M-AMBI and H', the environment pollution degrees derived from AMBI was slightly lower than those derived from M-AMBI and H'.The assessment results based on M-AMBI could be more reasonable and coincident with H'.Thus it was suggested that for the east Ningde sea waters which is dominated by sensitive benthos species, M-AMBI and H' could be more applicative and objective than AMBI in assessing its eco-environmental quality.


