
Ingestion, egestion and toxic effects of fluorescent polystyrene microspheres on the Polychaete, Perinereis aibuhitensis

  • 摘要: 海洋微塑料污染已成为全球性环境问题,已有报道显示潮间带微塑料含量相对较高,然而微塑料对栖息于潮间带生物影响的研究开展相对较少。本文采用近海沉积物中的代表性物种-双齿围沙蚕(Perinereis aibuhitensis)作为受试生物,以10 μm荧光聚苯乙烯微粒(PS)作为目标污染物,初步研究了海水暴露途径下沙蚕对PS的摄入、蓄积和排出情况,以及沉积物暴露途径下微塑料对沙蚕掘穴行为影响和细胞超微结构的改变情况。结果表明,沙蚕摄入荧光PS的量在48 h内随时间而呈线性增加;转移到干净海水中后,体内残留PS数量呈现逐渐下降的趋势;96 h后体内PS残留百分比只有2.2%。然而,沉积物途径暴露14 d后沙蚕在干净沉积物中的掘穴时间显著延长,并且摄入PS微粒可造成沙蚕体壁表皮细胞凋亡和肌肉细胞线粒体水肿。沙蚕掘穴行为的改变很可能与其线粒体功能损伤有关。本研究强调了行为学指标在评估微塑料对底栖动物沙蚕毒性效应中的敏感性。研究结果期望为深入探讨微塑料致毒机理及科学评估微塑料的生态风险提供依据。


    Abstract: Marine microplastic (MP) pollution has become a global concern. It was reported that the content of MPs in intertidal zone was relatively high. However, relatively few studies have been conducted on the effects of MPs on organisms inhabiting intertidal zones. In this study, we investigated the ingestion, bioaccumulation and egestion processes of fluorescent polystyrene microspheres (PS, 10 μm) in sediment-dwelling organism, Perinereis aibuhitensis, through seawater exposure pathway. The impacts of PS on the burrowing behavior and subcellular structure alteration of worms were also explored after a 14 d of sediment exposure. Results showed that the ingested PS microspheres in worms increased with time within 48 h, and the retained PS percentage decreased after transferring to clean seawater, which reached to only 2.2% after depuration of 96 h. However, the burrowing time of worms in clean sediment was significantly prolonged after 14 d of sediment exposure, and epithelia apoptosis of worm body wall and mitochondria edema of worm myocytes were observed. The impairment of worm burrowing behavior was possibly related to the dysfunction of mitochondria. This study emphasized the sensitivity of behavior indicator when assessing the toxicity of MPs on sediment-dwelling organisms. Findings are expected to provide a basis for exploration of mechanisms of MPs and their ecological risk assessment.


