
Analysis on the water exchange capacity and effectiveness of present pollutants outlets layout around the Pulandian bay

  • 摘要: 本文研究了普兰店湾在潮汐作用下的水交换时间,并在此基础上结合普兰店湾排污口布局现状、海洋功能区划与2015年春季水质大面调查结果,讨论了普兰店湾现有排污布局的合理性。以ROMS模型构建的渤海-普兰店湾高分辨率嵌套潮流场模型为基础,利用拉格朗日粒子追踪法计算了湾内的水交换时间分布,结果显示受岸线和水深分布的影响,普兰店湾水交换能力区域差异明显,西边界湾口开阔区域水交换能力较强,海湾中部和湾顶区域水交换能力较弱。海湾中部潮余流场呈现逆时针漩涡状结构,对湾中部与湾顶区域污染物向湾外扩散起到了阻碍作用,致使以上两区域的水交换时间达到300 d以上。普兰店湾内主要排污口大都分布于湾东部水交换能力差的区域,排海污水难以向外界扩散而易于形成聚集。2015年春季水质大面调查结果亦显示,普兰店湾中部与湾顶排污口聚集区域水质差于海洋功能区划的水质标准。应根据普兰店湾水交换能力的分布特点,合理规划排污布局,从而改善湾内水质状况。


    Abstract: The water exchange time distribution of the Pulandian bay is firstly modeled, and then the effectiveness of the present pollutant outlets layout is evaluated basing on the water exchange time distribution, water quality criterion of the marine functional zoning and water quality distribution obtained during the extensive observations in spring 2015.The water exchange time distribution calculated with the Lagrangian passive particles tracking method provided by ROMS shows that the water exchange time of the Pulandian bay varies greatly in different regions depending on the changing bathymetry and twisting coastline.In the western open areas, the water exchange capacity is strong with an average water exchange time less than 20 days while in the semi-enclosed eastern areas, especially the middle part and eastern reach of the bay, the water exchange capacity is extremely weak with the average water exchange time longer than 300 days.The anti-clockwise eddy-shaped circulation in the central part of the bay blocks the pollutants transports from the inner part of the bay to the outer part.The outlets with heavy pollutants discharges are all located in the areas with weak water exchange capacity.The water exchange time of the pollutants is much longer than the time the pollutants desire in order to exert influence on the local marine ecosystem.The accumulation of the pollutants leads to a deterioration of the water quality.The water quality distribution obtained during the extensive observations indicates that the water quality in the middle part and eastern reach of the bay is much worse than the according water quality criterion of the marine functional zoning.A more environment friendly pollutants outlets layout will be a prerequisite when a better water quality in the Pulandian bay could be expected.


