
Analysis of eutrophication changes and its contributors’ sources in Sandu bay from 2010 to 2021

  • 摘要: 海水富营养化会导致海水赤潮、缺氧及酸化等环境问题,是评价近岸海域水质是否健康的一个重要指标。本研究分析了宁德三都澳2010-2021年水质数据,评估了三都澳海水富营养化的变化情况,对影响水质的污染源进行核算,并以2020年的数据为例,构建了污染源清单,分析了影响海水水质及富营养化的主要因素。结果表明,三都澳水体出现由中度向重度富营养化发展的趋势,主要原因是近年来氮、磷输入量的增加。总体来说,海水养殖是三都澳海域氮、磷输入的主要来源,河流输入是氮输入的次要来源,直排海排污是磷输入的次要来源。因此,要改善三都澳水质及富营养化状况,需要重点关注海水养殖行业带来的污染。


    Abstract: Eutrophication can lead to oceanic problems, such as harmful algal bloom, hypoxia and ocean acidification. Eutrophication is also an important index to evaluate the health of coastal waters. This study analyzed the water quality parameters during 2010−2021 from Sandu bay, evaluated the changes in seawater eutrophication in Sandu bay, and accounted the pollution sources that affect water quality. Taking 2020 data as an example, the marine pollution source list was constructed, and the main factors affecting seawater quality and eutrophication were analyzed. The results showed that the eutrophication situation of Sandu bay was getting worse. The input of nitrogen and phosphorus is the main reason for the intensification of eutrophication in the bay in recent years. Overall, marine aquaculture is the main source of nitrogen and phosphorus input into the seawater of Sandu bay, with river input being a secondary source of nitrogen input and direct discharge into the sea being a secondary source of phosphorus input. Therefore, in order to improve the water quality and eutrophication status of Sandu bay, it is necessary to focus on the pollution from marine aquaculture industry.


