
Spatiotemporal distribution and influencing factors of microplastics in Qinzhou bay and upstream rivers

  • 摘要: 本研究在中国南方养殖海湾钦州湾及其上游河流钦江和茅岭江开展了4个季度的微塑料污染调查,范围覆盖了从河流上游偏远地区到经济较发达的沿海城市。研究结果显示,钦江和茅岭江的微塑料年平均丰度分别为3.94个/L、1.63个/L,钦州湾河口区域(茅尾海)和外湾的微塑料年平均丰度分别为1.76个/L和1.50个/L。微塑料全年平均污染水平从高到低依次为钦江 、茅尾海 、茅岭江 、外湾。钦州湾微塑料丰度的季节差异显著,其中钦江尤为明显(p < 0.01),冬季丰度是夏季的5倍;外湾的微塑料丰度受季节影响最小。冬季,钦江流域的微塑料丰度高于其他区域;夏季,外湾流域的微塑料丰度偏高;而在春、秋季,钦江中游的微塑料丰度偏高。上游河流中微塑料的颜色主要为蓝色,而河口和外湾中的微塑料颜色主要是透明色。微塑料的聚合物类型以人造丝和聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)为主。值得注意的是,微塑料的丰度并未沿河流从上游至下游明显增加,而是与沿岸的人口数量呈一定的正相关关系。钦州湾流域的微塑料主要来自沿岸居民的日常生活以及流域内的渔业活动,同时可能受到地表径流和降雨等环境因素的影响。


    Abstract: This study conducted a four-quarter survey of microplastic pollution in Qinzhou bay, a farming bay in southern China, and its upstream rivers, ranging from remote areas in the upper reaches of the river to economically developed coastal cities. The annual average abundance of microplastics in the Qin river and Maoling river was 3.94 particles per liter and 1.63 particles per liter respectively. In the estuarine area of Qinzhou bay and the outer bay, the annual average abundance of microplastics was 1.76 particles per liter and 1.50 particles per liter respectively. The annual average microplastic pollution intensity was ranked in the order of Qin river, Maowei sea , Maoling river, Outer bay. Significant seasonal differences occurred, notably in Qin river (p < 0.01), with winter abundance five times higher than summer; outer bay showed least seasonal effect. In winter, microplastic abundance in the Qin river was higher than in other areas; in summer, microplastic abundance in the outer bay was higher; and in spring and autumn, microplastic abundance in the middle reaches of the Qin river was higher. The predominant color of microplastics in upstream rivers was blue, while those in estuaries and the outer bay were mainly transparent. The main types of microplastic polymers were rayon and PET. It is noteworthy that microplastic abundance did not significantly increase from upstream to downstream rivers but showed a positive correlation with the coastal population. Microplastics in the Qinzhou bay watershed mainly originate from the daily activities of coastal residents and fisheries activities within the watershed, while they may also be influenced by environmental factors such as surface runoff and rainfall.


