
Effects of the thermal discharge from the Fangchenggang nuclear power plant on the community characteristics of mangroves

  • 摘要: 近年来,人们对红树林保护的关注度很高,但有关核电厂温排水对红树林群落特征影响的研究较少,多数研究仅限于实验室条件下模拟极端温度对红树植物生长、生理特性等的影响。本文以国投钦州电厂温升区的红树林为参照系,对照分析防城港核电厂温排水影响区域的红树林群落特征,分析预测核电厂5号、6号机组温升因素对红树林的影响程度,可为后续滨海电厂对红树林影响评价研究奠定基础,为相关研究提供思路和方法指导。研究结果表明:(1)两个林区红树植物种类及群落类型相近,以桐花树或白骨壤为建群种、逐渐向秋茄群落演替的发展方向是一致的;红树群落多样性指数均较低,变化范围相近,两个林区之间的4类多样性指数均无显著性差异。(2)通过相同群落类型在不同区域、不同温升区比较可知,处于更高温升区的红树林群落结构更加稳定,群落特征更优,说明温升对核电厂周边红树林的群落特征无明显不利影响。(3)局部林区的历史与现状数据对比结果表明,3个样方处于2 ℃~4 ℃温升区范围,但3个样方的群落种类组成、优势种及群落类型均维持稳定,群落密度和平均株高总体呈上升趋势。温排水或自然导致的2 ℃~4 ℃温升,对本地区红树林群落无明显的负面影响。综上所述,红沙核电5号、6号机组温排水不会对1 ℃温升线范围内的红树林生态造成不可接受的影响。


    Abstract: In recent years, much attention has been paid to mangrove conservation, but research on the effects of the thermal discharge from nuclear power plants on mangrove community characteristics is scarce, with most studies limited to simulating the effects of temperature extremes on mangrove plant growth and physiological characteristics under laboratory conditions. In this paper, the mangroves in the temperature rise area of the Qinzhou power plant were used as a reference system, and the mangrove community characteristics in the temperature rise area of the Fangchenggang nuclear power plant were analysed and predicted, which can lay the foundation for subsequent studies on the evaluation of the impact of coastal power plants on mangroves and provide guidance for related research.The results of the study show that: (1) the mangrove plant species and community types in the two forest areas are similar, and the direction of development is the same in that the mangrove tree or white bone loam is used as a community building species and gradually evolves towards the autumn eggplant community; the mangrove community diversity indices are low and the range of change is similar, and there is no significant difference in the four types of diversity indices between the two forest areas. (2) The comparison of the same community types in different areas and different temperature rise zones shows that the mangrove communities in higher temperature rise zones are more stable in structure and have better community characteristics; the temperature rise has no obvious adverse effect on affecting the community characteristics of the forest area. (3) The comparison of historical and current community data in the local forest area showed that three samples are in the range of 2 ℃−4 ℃ temperature rise zone,, but the community species composition, dominant species and community types in all three sites remained stable, and the community density and average plant height generally showed an increasing trend. There was no significant negative impact on the mangrove communities in this area due to warm water drainage or the naturally induced 2 ℃−4 ℃ temperature rise. In summary, this study shows that the warm water drainage from units 5 and 6 of the Hongsha nuclear power plant will not have an unacceptable impact on the mangrove ecology within the 1 ℃ temperature rise line.


