
Pollution characteristics, sources and risk assessment of marine litter in Guangdong province

  • 摘要: 本研究以2023年广东省11处海域(岸滩)垃圾的采样调查结果为基础,将海滩垃圾、海面垃圾和海底垃圾分别划分为城市、乡郊、渔业;沿岸、潟湖;基岩、砂泥和建设等类型,分析了海洋垃圾密度、分布和来源,利用海滩质量指数评估了海洋垃圾风险。结果显示,海滩垃圾、海面漂浮垃圾和海底垃圾数量密度分别为43178个/km2、5634个/km2和2747个/km2,丰、枯水期差异明显,海洋垃圾主要来源于人类海岸活动和航运/捕鱼活动,调查海滩的清洁度为“非常清洁”,安全程度为“安全”或“适度安全”,健康状况为“良好”。


    Abstract: Based on the sampling and survey results of 11 marine areas (shoals) in Guangdong province in 2023, the beach, surface and submarine litter were divided into urban, rural, fishery, coastal, lagoon, bedrock, sand and mud, and construction types respectively. The density, distribution and source of marine litter were analyzed, and the risk of marine litter was assessed using the beach quality index. The results showed that the density of beach litter, floating litter on the sea surface and seabed litter was 43178 items/km2, 5634 items/km2 and 2747 items/km2, respectively. There were significant differences between rainy and dry seasons. Marine litter mainly came from human coastal activities and shipping/fishing activities, and the cleanliness of the beaches surveyed was “very clean”, the safety level was “safe” or “moderately safe” and the health status was “good”.


