
Study on carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes of size fractionated zooplankton in western South China Sea

  • 摘要: 本文根据2018年夏季在南海西部海域采集的不同粒级浮游动物样品(大型:>500 µm;中型:380~500 µm;小型:180~380 µm),对其生物量、δ13C和δ15N进行了分析研究。结果显示,浮游动物生物量变化范围为0.25~8.44 mg/m3δ13C变化范围为−26.73‰~−14.84‰,δ15N变化范围为3.44‰~8.40‰。受沿岸上升流及冷涡影响,研究海域浮游动物生物量、δ13C、δ15N的高值区多分布在中部和西部海域。浮游动物δ13C、δ15N出现显著粒径结构差异,δ15N随浮游动物粒径增大而增加,中型浮游动物的δ13C低于大型、小型浮游动物。各粒级浮游动物的δ13C、δ15N呈现相似的空间分布特征,高值区主要分布在中部和西部海域。相关性分析显示,大型、小型浮游动物的δ15N与生物量呈显著的正相关关系;中型浮游动物的δ13C、δ15N与生物量的相关性不明显。本研究可为南海西部海域食物网结构的研究提供基础材料。


    Abstract: Based on size fractionation zooplankton (>500 μm, 380-500 μm and 180-380 μm) samples collected in the western South China Sea in 2018 summer, biomass, δ13C and δ15N were studied. The results show that the biomass of zooplankton ranged from 0.25 mg/m3 to 8.44 mg/m3, the δ13C of zooplankton ranged from −26.73‰ to −14.84‰, and the δ15N of zooplankton ranged from 3.44‰ to 8.40‰. Due to the influence of coastal upwelling and cyclonic eddy, high values of zooplankton biomass and stable isotope appeared around the central and western in study area. The stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen of zooplankton showed significant differences in particle size structure. The nitrogen stable isotopes of size-fractioned zooplankton generally increased from small to large size zooplankton, and the δ13C of meso-zooplankton were significantly lower than micro-zooplankton and macro-zooplankton. The δ13C and δ15N of size-fractioned zooplankton showed similar spatial distribution characteristic. And high values appeared around the central and western of the study area. The correlation analysis shows that stable nitrogen isotope of micro-zooplankton and macro-zooplankton were positively correlated with zooplankton biomass, while the stable carbon and nitrogen isotope of meso-zooplankton were not. This study provides basic materials for the structure of marine food webs in the western South China Sea.


