
Distribution of radionuclides in sediment columns from the axis of the New Britain Trench

  • 摘要: 深渊海沟是深海中重要且特殊的漏斗型地貌区域,多年来一直被认为是深海“荒漠”。近年的研究表明,深渊海沟区域不仅是深海沉积物的汇,也存在着活跃的深渊生态系统,并且是深海有机碳发生埋藏的重要场所。本文对采集于新不列颠海沟轴部的沉积物短柱样进行实验分析,利用天然放射性核素(210Pbex226Ra、238U、232Th和40K)和环境磁学等参数在柱样中的分布情况判断沉积物来源,结合TOC、δ13C参数进一步识别沉积物中陆源有机质的来源并计算贡献比例。结果表明,新不列颠海沟轴部沉积物的来源主要受陆源、火山活动、碳酸岩溶洞三种物源控制,另外,顶部样品受到一定程度的人类活动影响。


    Abstract: The abyssal trench is an important and special funnel-shaped landform area in the deep sea, which has been regarded as the “desert” for many years. Recent studies have revealed that the abyssal trench area is not only a sink of deep-sea sediments, but also has an active abyssal ecosystem, and an important site for the burial of deep-sea organic carbon. This article conducts experimental analysis on sediment short column samples collected from the axis of the New Britain Trench. The distribution of natural radioactive nuclides (210Pbex, 226Ra, 238U, 232Th, and 40K) and environmental magnetism parameters in the column samples are used to determine the source of the sediments, and TOC is combined with δ13C parameter to further identify the source of organic matters in sediments and to calculate the contribution ratio. The research results indicate that the sources of sediment in the axis of the New British Trench are mainly controlled by three sources: terrestrial, volcanic, and carbonate caves. Secondly, the top samples are influenced to some extent by human activities.


