
Spatio-temporal evolution of ecological vulnerability pattern in the protective development of uninhabited islands -- Sanjiao Island (Zhuhai, China) as an example

  • 摘要: 海岛保护性开发是海洋经济可持续发展的重要环节,开发过程对海岛的生态环境影响机制有待研究。本研究基于高分辨率的遥感数据,构建生态脆弱性评估模型,利用空间自相关分析法和地理探测器,探究三角岛保护性开发过程中生态脆弱性的时空演变和影响因素。结果表明,2011年三角岛生态系统呈重度脆弱状态(EVI2011 = 0.912,WQI2011 = 0.034),且空间分布高度聚集(Moran’s I2011 = 0.649),说明此前石料开采使三角岛的生态系统遭受了根本性损害。2017年开始的保护性开发虽使生态脆弱性暂时提高(EVI2016 = 0.782 v.s. EVI2018 = 0.825),但同步进行的生态修复措施增加了生态系统景观多样性(Moran’s I2022 = 0.595),随后显著降低了生态脆弱性(EVI2022 = 0.694,WQI2022 = 0.223)。植被、地况和景观格局多因子耦合驱动了三角岛生态脆弱性的动态变化,呈现“地形优化驱动−植被修复主导−景观格局形成”的时空演变机制。三角岛基于生态修复的保护性开发经验,可为海岛保护性开发利用提供科学指导。


    Abstract: Protective development of uninhabited islands is an important part of the sustainable development of marine economy, however, little is known about the impact mechanism of this process on the island ecosystem. In this study, we used high-resolution remote sensing data of Sanjiao Island and constructed the ecological vulnerability assessment model with the spatial autocorrelation analysis (Moran’s I) and GeoDetector to explore the temporal and spatial evolution of ecological vulnerability during the protective development. The results showed that the ecosystem of Sanjiao Island was extremely fragile (EVI2011 = 0.912, WQI2011 = 0.034) in 2011, and the areas with high ecological vulnerability were highly concentrated (Moran’s I2011 = 0.649), indicating that the ecosystem of the Sanjiao Island had suffered fundamental damage due to the previous stone mining. Although the protective development since 2017 slightly increased the ecological vulnerability (EVI2016 = 0.782 v.s. EVI2018 = 0.825), the simultaneous ecological restoration developed the ecosystem landscape diversity (Moran’s I2022 = 0.595), and significantly reduced the ecological vulnerability (EVI2022 = 0.694, WQI2022 = 0.223). Vegetation coverage, topography and landscape pattern together droved the dynamic change of ecological vulnerability, showing a spatio-temporal evolution mechanism of “terrain optimization driving-vegetation restoration leading-landscape pattern formation”. The experience of protective development from Sanjiao Island can provide scientific guidance for the sustainable utilization of damaged uninhabited islands.


