
Community structure of macrobenthos and ecological quality evaluation in the northern coastal areas of the Beibu Gulf

  • 摘要: 为探究中国北部湾北岸近海大型底栖动物群落特征,评估其生态质量,并为北部湾生态保护和管理提供科学依据,本研究于2022年秋季(11月)在北部湾北岸近海布设12个站位进行大型底栖动物调查。本次调查共鉴定出大型底栖动物30种,其中,多毛类种类最多,为12种,其次为软体动物(8种)和甲壳类(6种),棘皮动物和其他类群种类较少。大型底栖动物的平均丰度和生物量分别为148 ind./m2和135.04 g/m2。丰度组成以多毛类和软体动物占优势,生物量以软体动物占绝对优势。总体上近岸的丰度和生物量均大于远岸。优势种为粗帝汶蛤(Timoclea scabra)、奇异稚齿虫(Paraprionospio pinnata)和双鳃内卷齿蚕(Aglaophamus dibranchis)。非度量多维度尺度分析(nMDS)与群落聚类分析结果一致显示,研究区域内大型底栖动物群落可划分为3个亚群。丰度/生物量比较曲线(abundance-biomass comparison curves, ABC曲线)分析结果显示,北部湾北岸近海大型底栖动物群落未受到扰动。海洋生物指数(AZTI’s marine biotic index, AMBI)与多变量海洋生物指数(multivariate AMBI, M-AMBI)评估结果显示,北部湾北岸近海整体底栖生态质量状况良好,仅个别站点显示轻度扰动。本文初步研究了北部湾北岸近海大型底栖动物群落特征及其生态质量,结果表明,北部湾北岸近海大型底栖动物群落受扰动程度较低,底栖生态质量整体处于良好状态。


    Abstract: The aim of this study is to explore the current structure of macrobenthos communities in the northern Beibu Gulf, evaluate the benthic ecological quality status of the northern Beibu Gulf, and provide scientific insights for the ecological conservation and management of the Beibu Gulf. In this study, the macrobenthos was sampled at 12 sites in the northern Beibu Gulf, in the autumn (November) of 2022. The species composition, abundance, biomass, and diversity indices of macrobenthos were analyzed. To assess ecological quality comprehensively and reveal the disturbance in the northern Beibu Gulf, three methods were used, including AZTI’s marine biotic index (AMBI) and multivariate AMBI (M-AMBI) index, as well as the abundance-biomass comparison (ABC) curve analysis. A total of 30 species of macrobenthos were identified in the northern Beibu Gulf, primarily composed of annelids with 12 species, followed by mollusks (8 species) and arthropods (6 species), and fewer echinoderms and other species. The average abundance and biomass of macrobenthos were 148 ind./m2 and 135.04 g/m2, respectively. The abundance of macrobenthos was dominated by polychaetes and mollusks, while the biomass was overwhelmingly dominated by mollusks. Overall, both the abundance and biomass in the inshore areas were greater than those in the offshore areas.The dominant species were Timoclea scabra, Paraprionospio pinnata, and Aglaophamus dibranchis. The results of Cluster analysis and non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) indicated that the macrobenthos communities could be divided into three sub-communities. The result of ABC curve analysis indicated that the macrobenthic community has not been disturbed. The results of the AMBI and M-AMBI indicated that almost all sites, except for one moderately disturbed site, have been slightly disturbed or undisturbed, suggesting that the benthic habitat quality status is good or high. In summary, the preliminary results of this study indicate the macrobenthos communities in the northern Beibu Gulf received relatively lower disturbances, and the overall ecological quality status in this area was good.


