
Potential risk assessment of macrozoobenthos blocking nuclear power cold source system in three subtidal zone of Fujian, Guangdong and Hainan coasts

  • 摘要: 根据2019年6月福建兴化湾16个取样站、2021年3月广东大亚湾16个取样站和2018年12月海南昌江核电站附近海域15个取样站所获得的潮下带大型底栖动物数据,计算了三处海域共20种大型底栖动物的采泥器法风险指数(grappler method risk index, GMRI),评估了20种大型底栖动物堵塞核电冷源系统的潜在风险等级。结果表明,福建兴化湾潮下带2019年6月黑囊皮参(Stolus buccalis)、广东大亚湾潮下带2021年3月粗帝汶蛤(Timoclea scabra)和海南昌江核电站附近潮下带2018年12月双鳃内卷齿蚕(Aglaophamus dibranchis)的GMRI分别为63.78%、65.52%和50.86%,均处于中风险等级;其余大型底栖动物的GMRI均低于50%,处于低风险或极低风险等级。三处潮下带均是常见种的索沙蚕(Lumbrineris sp.),GMRI为41%~48%。大亚湾潮下带太平洋稚齿虫(Prionospio pacifica)和光滑倍棘蛇尾(Amphioplus laevis)的GMRI分别为46.65%和45.80%,高于兴化湾和海南昌江核电站附近潮下带太平洋稚齿虫和光滑倍棘蛇尾的GMRI(32%~37%)。大亚湾和昌江核电站附近潮下带海地瓜(Acaudina molpadioides)的GMRI分别为41.45%和41.42%。


    Abstract: Based on the subtidal macrobenthos data obtained from 16 sampling stations in Xinghua Bay, Fujian in June 2019, 16 sampling stations in Daya Bay, Guangdong in March 2021, and 15 sampling stations in the subtidal zone near Changjiang Nuclear Power Plant, Hainan in December 2018. The grappler method risk index (GMRI) of a total of 20 species of macrozoobenthos in three subtidal zones were calculated to evaluate the potential risk level of these 20 species of macrozoobenthos blocking the nuclear power cooling source system. The results showed that the GMRI of Stolus buccalis in the subtidal zone of Xinghua Bay, Fujian in June 2019, Timoclea scabra in March 2021 in the subtidal zone of Daya Bay, Guangdong, and Aglaophamus dibranchis in December 2018 in the subtidal zone near Changjiang Nuclear Power Plant was 63.78%, 65.52% and 50.86%, respectively, which were in the middle risk level. The GMRI of Lumbrineris sp., a common species in all three subtidal zones, ranged from 41% to 48%. The GMRI of Prionospio pacifica and Amphioplus laevis in the subtidal zone of Daya Bay were 46.65% and 45.80%, respectively. It was higher than the GMRI of Prionospio pacifica and Amphioplus laevis in the subtidal zone in Xinghua Bay and near Hainan Changjiang Nuclear Power Plant (between 32%~37%). The GMRI of Acaudina molpadioides in the subtidal zone in Daya Bay and near Changjiang Nuclear Power plants was 41.45% and 41.42%, respectively.


