
Carbon pool and financing mechanism of coastal blue carbon ecosystems

  • 摘要: 气候变化已成为当前各国面临的严峻挑战之一,通过“碳减排”和“碳增汇”实现碳中和是我国应对气候变化的关键途径。红树林、盐沼和海草床等海岸带蓝碳生态系统具有巨大的、长期可持续的碳汇功能,因而,保护和修复海岸带生态系统是具有可操作性的生态增汇途径之一。本文探究了中国红树林、盐沼和海草床等典型海岸带蓝碳生态系统碳库规模及其经济价值,并对浙江省霓屿红树林湿地和上海市鹦鹉洲盐沼湿地两个海岸带滨海湿地恢复区的碳汇能力开展调查和评估。结果表明,通过海岸带生态修复扩增蓝碳是实现碳中和的有效途径。研究结果可为面向碳中和的海岸带生态系统恢复及蓝碳交易体系的建立提供理论基础和数据支撑。


    Abstract: Climate change has become one of the severe challenges faced by all countries. Carbon neutralization, through "carbon emission reduction" and "carbon sink increase", is a key way to address global climate change. Coastal blue carbon ecosystems, such as mangroves, salt marshes and seagrass beds, are huge and long-term sustainable carbon sinks. Therefore, protecting and restoring coastal ecosystems is one of the operable ways to increase carbon sinks. This paper explored the carbon pool and economic value of typical coastal blue carbon ecosystems in China. Two restored wetlands (Niyu mangrove and Yingwuzhou salt marsh) as examples are used to prove that increasing blue carbon by coastal ecosystems restoration is an effective way to realize carbon neutralization. The research results can provide theoretical basis and data support for coastal ecosystem restoration and the blue carbon trading, and further serve carbon neutralization.


