
Investigation on bird diversity of Liaoning coastal (circum-Bohai-Sea region) wetland

  • 摘要: 本研究于2019-2020年对辽宁滨海(环渤海)湿地开展了春迁徙季、秋迁徙季、繁殖季和越冬季的鸟类多样性调查,共监测到鸟类150种,隶属于16目38科,其中,留鸟25种,夏侯鸟26种,冬侯鸟26种,旅鸟73种;国家一级保护鸟类11种,国家二级保护鸟类20种。调查显示:调查区内鸟类多样性的季节差异明显,春、秋迁徙季,鸟类种类与数量明显高于其他两季,越冬季鸟类的种类数量均最少,丰富度指数、均匀度指数、多样性指数和优势度指数均最低。空间分布显示,盘锦地区鸟类种类和数量均最多,达到78种,473084只;营口地区调查到的鸟类种类最少,为55种;锦州地区鸟类数量最少,只有57723只。从鸟类多样性对比来看,盘锦地区最高,大连地区最低,各地鸟类群落组成的空间差异较为明显,在一定程度上受到该地区鸟类生境种类数量及面积大小的影响。辽宁滨海(环渤海)湿地作为东亚—澳大利西亚候鸟迁徙带上的关键区域,当前正面临气候变化、人类围垦干扰造成的鸟类栖息地减少等不利情况,建议通过扩大保护范围、实施修复和管理对策措施、强化宣传等手段保护鸟类多样性及其栖息生境,巩固渤海综合治理攻坚战的治理成效。


    Abstract: From 2019 to 2020,the bird diversity was surveyed in the cost of Liaoning coastal (circum-Bohai-Sea region) at the spring migration season, autumn migration season, breeding season and winter season. We recorded a total of 150 bird species representing 16 orders and 38 families. For all 150 birds, 25 species are residents, 26 species are summer visitors, 26 species are winter visitors and 73 species are passage migrants. Among them, there were 11 and 20 species among national class I and II key protected birds. The diversity of bird showed an obvious seasonal difference in this survey. Spring migration season and autumn migration season were higher than other seasons. The species and number of birds were lowest in winter season and contained the lowest Margalef, Pielou, Shanoon-weiner and Berger-Parker index. The study area show that the species and number of birds were most in Panjin area, about 473084 birds belonging to78 speciesndex; The species of birds were least in Yingkou area, about 55 species; The number of birds were least in Jinzhou area, about 57723 birds. Compared with the bird diversity, Panjin area is the highest and Dalian area is the lowest. The species composition of bird showed an obvious difference, which is affected by the number and area of bird habitats in study area.As a key area of migratory birds from Liaoning coastal (circum-Bohai-Sea region) to East Asia-Australasia which is facing disadvantageous situations such as the decrease of bird habitats caused by climate change and interference of human reclamation. It is suggested that bird diversity and habitat should be protected by expanding the scope of conservation areas, implementing restoration and management measures, and strengthening publicity, so as to consolidate the effectiveness of comprehensive management of Liaoning coastal (circum-Bohai-Sea region).


