
Pollution assessment and distribution characteristics of petroleum hydrocarbon in surface sediments in the Laizhou Bay

  • 摘要: 根据2013-2018年莱州湾海域5个航次的监测数据,评价分析了表层沉积物的石油烃污染状况和空间分布特征。结果表明,莱州湾沉积物中石油烃含量范围为未检出~377.00 mg/kg,平均值为63.34 mg/kg,污染程度较轻微;各监测站位、年际之间的石油烃含量空间离散程度较高,差异显著性不明显,聚类相似度较低并且分组不明显;沉积物中石油烃含量空间分布趋势总体一致,呈均匀空间分布,局部区域存在含量高值区。分析结果表明,港口航运等人类活动是影响石油烃分布主导因素;沉积物中石油烃含量年际变化不明显,各监测站位年际变化较明显区域均呈SE-NW(东南-西北)方向分布。


    Abstract: According to the 2013-2018 monitoring data of five cruises in the Laizhou Bay, the pollution status and spatial distribution characteristics of petroleum hydrocarbons in the surface sediments were evaluated and analyzed. The results showed that the content range of petroleum hydrocarbons in the surface sediments of Laizhou Bay was ND~377.00 mg/kg, with an average of 63.34 mg/kg, which indicated that the pollution extent was light. The analysis results showed that the spatial dispersion extent of inter-annual petroleum hydrocarbon content at the monitoring stations was high, while the difference was not significant, and the clustering similarity was low, and the grouping was not obvious. The results showed that human activities such as port and shipping were the main factors affecting the distribution of petroleum hydrocarbons. The annual variation of petroleum hydrocarbon content in the surface sediments was not obvious, and the obvious annual variation area of each monitoring station was distributed in SW-NE (southeast northwest) direction.


