
Review and prospect on vulnerability of marine fishery

  • 摘要: 海洋渔业脆弱性是海洋渔业可持续发展研究的重要内容。本文从海洋渔业脆弱性的概念与内涵、研究分类与分析框架、评价方法与测度指数、驱动因素与应对措施4个方面对海洋渔业脆弱性研究进行了系统梳理。结果表明:(1)海洋渔业脆弱性概念虽未统一,但关于概念内涵的理解已经达成了一些共识;(2)海洋渔业脆弱性评价方法单一,评价体系有待完善;(3)海洋渔业脆弱性驱动因素与机制研究不足。未来宜重点完善海洋渔业脆弱性概念,构建系统全面的评价体系,加强海洋渔业脆弱性多尺度研究,深化海洋渔业脆弱性的驱动因素与机制研究等,为解决海洋渔业发展问题提供科学支撑。


    Abstract: The vulnerability research is an indispensable part to achieve sustainable development in the field of marine fishery. This review provides an overview of the vulnerability of marine fishery from four aspects: the concept and connotation of vulnerability of marine fishery, research classification and analysis framework, evaluation method and index system, driving factors and response measures. This review reveals the following understandings: 1)The concept of vulnerability of marine fishery has not been unified yet, but some consensus has been reached; 2) There are still few assessment method of vulnerability of marine fishery, and the indicator system should be perfected; 3) The current research on the driving factors and mechanism of marine fishery vulnerability is insufficient.Therefore, in order to provide a scientific basis for solving the problems of marine fishery development in the future, scholars should refine the concept of vulnerability of marine fishery, build a systematic and comprehensive evaluation system, strengthen multi-scale research on the vulnerability of marine fishery, deepen the research on the driving factors and mechanisms of the vulnerability of marine fishery.


