
Responses of distribution of water quality in the Sansha bay on the land discharge and aquaculture

  • 摘要: 根据福建三沙湾海域2018年洪季一个定点站和12个走航站的5项营养盐及水文资料,研究发现:(1)三沙湾沿岸城市排放水是主要的污染源。其中,蕉城区外大金溪湾的硝酸盐、氨盐、悬沙含量、硅酸盐和磷酸盐浓度,在落潮盐度最小时期(宁德城区排放水)分别是涨潮盐度最大时期(海水)水质浓度的1.2倍、3.6倍、6倍、2.5倍和2倍。(2)三沙湾营养盐从陆向海的变化既受陆域河流排放的影响,也受湾内养殖排放的影响。其中NO3-N和SiO3-Si浓度受陆源排放影响较大,从陆向海分别下降了31%和50%。而NO2-N、NH4-N和PO4-P浓度变化受湾内养殖的影响,从陆向海下降的趋势不明显。(3)12个走航站无机氮(DIN)的平均值为57.33 μmol/L,大于21.41 μmol/L;PO4-P平均值为2.28 μmol/L,大于1.45 μmol/L;DIN/DIP基本为8~30。这些参数表明三沙湾水质已经超四类海水水质标准,并达到富营养化状态。


    Abstract: Based on nutrients and hydrological data of one fixed station and twelve navigation stations in 2018 flood season in the Sansha bay, Fujian province, this paper found: (1) The average concentrations of SiO3-Si、NO3-N、NH4-N、PO4-P and SSC in ebb (includes drainage of the Ningde city) are about 1.2, 3.6, 6, 2.5 and 2 times higher than that in the flood (seawater) in Dajinxi estuary, respectively. (2)The concentrations of NO3-N and SiO3-Si decrease by 31% and 50% with the increased of salinity, the result indicated SiO3-Si and NO3-N variation were controlled by river discharge. However, with increase of salinity, the concentrations of NH4-N and PO4-P showed a slight decrease trend, and NO2-N even showed an increase trend, the result implicated that change of NH4-N、PO4-P and NO2-N were mainly controlled by aquaculture in the bay. (3) The average concentrations of inorganic nitrogen (DIN) on twelve navigation stations was 57.33>21.41 μmol/L, PO4-P (DIP) was 2.28>1.45 μmol/L, and DIN/DIP was between 8~30, such level of above parameters indicated that the water quality in the Sansha bay had exceeded the grade IV water quality standard and reached the state of eutrophication.


