
The historical records research of four kinds of marine disasters in China from B.C.48 to 1949

  • 摘要: 本文系统查阅了公元前48年-公元1949年间我国沿海地区历代地方志、正史、档案、实录和报刊等大量史料文献,对各个历史阶段史料文献中关于海洋灾害的文字记载进行摘录和统计,共计4515条。并利用灾害学、海洋学、地理学、统计学和信息学等多学科交叉方法,总结分析了我国不同历史阶段风暴潮、地震海啸、巨浪和海冰四类海洋灾害的空间分布特征、发生规律、影响因素及危害性。结果表明,风暴潮灾害是我国历代最为频发且危害最大的海洋灾害,公元前48年-公元1949年共发生1244次,其中造成死亡万人以上的风暴潮灾害达52次,且集中发生在明清时期东南沿海的江浙地区。千年尺度的长时间序列、大空间范围历史海洋灾害史料的分析和研究,可作为当前我国沿海地区海洋防灾减灾研究的补充,同时也是生态文明建设和生态保护在时间维度上的回溯。


    Abstract: By organazing and arranging several kinds of historical books data, this paper collects 4,515 notes that recorded marine disaster in China from B.C.48 to 1949. Marine disasters in this paper contain storm surge, tsunami, ocean wave, and sea ice. Using disaster science, oceanography, geography, statistics and informatics theory, from the perspective of historical-document-study, spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of the marine disaster in China from B.C.48 to 1949 are summarized and analyzed on the basis of those historical notes. The results show that Storm Surge Disaster(SSD)is the most serious marine disaster in all dynasties. 1,244 SSD events have occurred from B.C.48 to 1949, and 52 events caused more than 10,000 deaths, most of which occurred in the southeast coastal areas of Jiangsu and Zhejiang province during the Ming and Qing dynasties. This paper is a supplement to the current research on marine disaster prevention and reduction in the cosatal China, at the same time, it is also the backtracking of ecological civilization construction and ecological protection in the time dimension.


