
Research status and progress of phytoremediation of marine cultured tail water

  • 摘要: 随着我国海水养殖业的迅速发展,养殖尾水排放量日益增加,目前已超过了陆源入海污水的排放量,并带来了严重的海洋环境问题,因此对养殖尾水修复变得十分重要。本文介绍了盐生植物修复海水养殖尾水的研究现状,综述了其修复能力及修复机理,并总结了盐生植物在净化海水养殖尾水中需关注的问题,展望了该净化技术的发展前景。


    Abstract: With the rapid development of marine aquaculture in China, mariculture tailwater emissions are increasing, which has exceeded the land and sea sewage emissions currently.Mariculture tail water has brought to serious marine environmental problems.Therefore, the remediation of mariculture effulent is becoming extremely important.The aim of this paper is reviewing the remediation efficiency of mariculture effulent based on in-situ and ex-situ phytoremediation by halophytes.The purification mechanism, purifying ability and weakness of application of phytoremediation are also summarized.And the development of the phytoremediation by halophytes are prospected as well.


