
Distribution of lipophilic phycotoxins in shellfish from coastal areas of Guangdong Province

  • 摘要: 为了弄清广东省沿海脂溶性贝类毒素的分布特征,采用高效液相色谱-质谱联用法对2013年11月至2015年10月间采自广东省沿海5个地区(汕头南澳、汕尾、深圳大鹏澳、珠海、阳江闸坡)的贝类样品进行了脂溶性贝类毒素的检测和分析。结果表明:在所采集的43种贝类,174个样品中共检测出5类脂溶性贝毒,分别为OA、AZAs、GYM、YTXs和PTXs类,毒素含量普遍较低且均未超标。广东省沿海的脂溶性贝类毒素存在地域性、季节性和贝种间差异。在地域上,OA、AZAs和YTXs呈现明显的地域性差异,三类毒素的检出率和平均含量均以粤东的汕头南澳最高。GYM和PTXs的地域性差异不显著。在季节上,OA的检出率在秋季最高,PTXs的检出率和平均含量均以春季最高。AZAs、GYM和YTXs则无季节性差异。在同一海域,贝体中毒素的含量及检出率也因贝种的不同而存在差异。


    Abstract: To find out the distribution characteristics of lipophilic phycotoxins (LPs) in shellfish from coastal areas of Guangdong Province, shellfish samples collected over the course of two years (November 2013 to October 2015) from Shantou Nan'ao, Shanwei, Shenzhen Dapeng Bay, Zhuhai and Yangjiang Zhapo sea areas were tested for LPs by HPLC-MS/MS.The results showed that a total of five LPs of OA, AZAs, GYM, YTXs and PTXs were detected in 174 samples of 43 shellfish species.These LPs widely distributed in coastal areas of Guangdong province, but the toxin contents in samples were all under the level of sea food safe threshold.LPs in shellfish varied in different regions, seasons and species.In terms of geographical distribution, the highest contents and detection rate of OA, AZAs and YTXs in shellfish were detected in Shantou Nan'ao.In seasonal distribution, the highest detection rate of OA in shellfish were detected in autumn.The highest contents and detection rate of PTXs in shellfish were detected in spring.In the same sea area, the LPs contents and detection rate also varied in different shellfish species.


